Dean Francis
With gratitude, I am motivated to explore, learn and share ways to widen access to mindfulness training that is relatable, safe, and effective at cultivating social wellbeing.
There’s also a deep interest in the links between MBI’s, compassionate action and the felt sense of interconnection that potentially alleviates suffering related to negative identity-based bias, tribalism and separateness. This Summer School will allow me to explore, collaborate, and build bridges to access MBI’s that authentically embrace the richness of diversity and potential created, when existing practitioners and teachers connect with underrepresented, disadvantaged or socially stigmatised communities.
Learning from the Summer School will be shared with Facilitators, Practitioners and Participants of The Urban Mindfulness Foundation’s weekly drop in sessions, courses and retreats offered on a donation basis, to share the experience, and impact of loving connection, at a grass roots level, in a way that honours the essence of this wonderful practice.