Annual Gathering 2024

1st September 2024 – Day of Practice

2nd & 3rd September 2024 – Trained Teachers Gathering

4th September 2024 – Workshop with David Treleaven

5th September 2024 – Workshop with Dan Seigel

Booking information (links below):

The Day of Practice and Trained Teachers Gathering (01/09/2024 – 03/09/2024) require a single booking

The Workshop with David Treleaven (04/09/2024) requires a separate booking

The Workshop with Dan Seigel (05/09/2024) requires a separate booking

Sunday 1st September 2024

09:00 – 17:00 – Oxford

A Day of Practice with David Treleaven and Alison Yiangou

This day provides a rare opportunity to join David Treleaven and Alison Yiangou for a Day of Practice. Designed to be supportive and nourishing for the teaching community.

Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September 2024

09:00 – 17:00 – Oxford

Trained Teachers Gathering. An opportunity for all those who have trained to teach mindfulness to connect in person. Sessions will be designed to be supportive of teachers’ ongoing teaching and training.

Day 1 – Professor Willem Kuyken will present his recent work on a trilogy of books that complements research and supports people learning and teaching mindfulness.  Professor Ruth Baer and other colleagues will support the day.

Day 2 – Sharon Hadley will share information about new developments at the OMF, including the new app and membership programme plus how to increase collaborations and be supported by the OMF.

Wednesday 4th September 2024

Workshop with David Treleaven – Expand your Window of Tolerance: A Day-long Workshop on Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness

09:00 – 17:00 – Oxford

The window of tolerance is a concept pivotal to understanding how we navigate stress and trauma. It describes the optimal zone of arousal where we are able to function most effectively, managing and processing experiences with a balance of challenge and ease. Outside of this window, we may find ourselves overwhelmed (hyperarousal) or disconnected (hypoarousal). Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness practices offer tools to recognize and adjust our states, enabling us to remain within or return to this window of resilience and presence. You’ll come away from this workshop with more tools to navigate your own emotional landscape and to facilitate a safer, more supportive space for others.

This workshop is not just a learning opportunity; it’s a chance to resource yourself, building skills that enrich your practice and empower you to support others with sensitivity and insight. Specifically to support mindfulness teachers (or professionals who facilitate similar approaches in their work), the day will be of interest to professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, this day promises to be a nourishing and enlightening experience. With David, you’re learning from a leader in the field, another of his rare live teaching events internationally this year.

This workshop is thoughtfully designed for anyone engaged in the practice or instruction of mindfulness, as well as those who facilitate sustained, attentive awareness in their work. 

Thursday 5th September 2023

Workshop with Dan Siegel – Our own inner experience and patterns of interacting with the world.

09:00 – 17:00 – Oxford

Dan will explore how our attention drives this energy of life inward, outward or dyadically as both will shape the kinds of strategies we will construct to handle life’s challenges.  During this workshop Dan will share his thoughts on “knowing thyself”, a lifelong invitation to learn more about your own inner experience and patterns of interacting with the world.

Dr. Dan Siegel

Dan’s unique ability to make complicated scientific concepts easy to understand and exciting has led him to be invited to address diverse local, national and international groups of mental health professionals, neuroscientists, corporate leaders, educators, parents, public administrators, healthcare providers, policy-makers, and clergy.

He has been invited to lecture for the King of Thailand, Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Nike and the Parliaments of the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Ireland.

This workshop is open to all interested in Dan’s work.

The whole event will be delivered in-person only (not available via online attendance).