Jan Baker

 Received trained teacher certificate (Stage 6)

  • Listing ID: 13236
  • Languages: English
  • Teaching Setting: Community
  • Biography: A mindfulness teacher of MBCT - L and Finding Peace in a Frantic World. I also teach Introducing Mindfulness. I trained with the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation and have received the Trained Teacher Certificate. I teach both in person and on-line classes, and have taught in community and corporate settings. I worked in senior Human Resource positions in the health service for more than 30 years. I am also a trained coach and mediator. Having practiced mindfulness for a number of years I know how beneficial it can be for improved personal wellbeing, and am passionate about sharing with others. I am also a yoga teacher and will shortly commence training as a yoga therapist. My aim is to bring a holistic approach to my teaching, recognising the link between mind, body and lifestyle to our overall wellbeing.
  • Curriculum: MBCT - L, Finding Peace in a Frantic World, Introducing Mindfulness
Contact details

UK janbaker501@gmail.com