Marion Furr
OMF teaching team, Received trained teacher certificate (Stage 6), Supervisor
Who am I?
I am professionally qualified as an Occupational Psychologist and until 2016, was Director of Ministerial Business and Parliamentary Accountability at the UK Department of Health (DH) and Chair of the DH Staff Health and Wellbeing programme. After training to teach MBSR/MBCT at Bangor University and Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, I personally introduced mindfulness to over 3,000 colleagues at DH and across the UK Civil Service. I contributed to the Mindful Nation UK report and continue as an external Advisor to the UK Mindfulness Initiative (MI). I was a member of the Board of Trustees for Oxford Mindfulness Foundation (OMF) from 2015-2020 and am proud to continue to serve the organisation in my current role as Co-Director of Teaching and Training. I am a mindfulness teacher, trainer and supervisor for the OMF with a keen interest in developing MBCT curricula in Portugal where I now live.
For more information on Marion’s work with the OMF, please see here:
- Listing ID: 11816
- Supervisor: Yes
- Supervisor Note: To arrange Mindfulness-based Supervision sessions with this supervisor, please visit the Mindfulness Network website where you can see their availability, read FAQs to find out more about how supervision works and Apply For Supervision.