New Collaboration – Mindfulness and Yoga in China

New Collaboration – Mindfulness and Yoga in China

As we come to the end of 2022, we are delighted to announce our latest collaboration in China with Naga Culture Group (VEDA)

VEDA operates through Iyengar Yogashala, a sub-institute in Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Beijing, China, as a provider of B.K.S Iyengar authorised yoga teacher training, VEDA also offer yoga courses via their Yoga video online platform  This new collaboration with the OMF brings mindfulness to yoga communities in China. Naga group has also translated and published numerous international yoga publications, including ‘Yoga Journal’, and offer the only authorised Iyengar-branded props and clothing, in China.

It is increasingly understood that mind and body are one.  Attunement with bodily sensations is fundamental to cultivating mindfulness – trainings typically incorporate elements of bodily awareness and movement practices, often derived from yoga.

We recognise the significant overlap in our organisations’ visions of enhancing human flourishing on a global scale, and so given the inherent inter-relatedness of the yoga and mindfulness fields, this is an exciting partnership. We look forward to this new partnership developing, offering courses to the general public and mindfulness teacher training to yoga practitioners in China. Bringing mindfulness trainings to Naga Culture Group will enable those who engage with yoga across China to incorporate mindfulness practices into their classes and to teach a variety of mindfulness programmes to their students, enabling attendees to experience holistic mind-body trainings.

Together with the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, we will partner with Naga Culture Group to deliver the first weeklong online Yoga and Meditation Education Conference from 7-13 January 2023. During the conference, we will communicate our collaboration and announce mindfulness course.

One of the aims of this conference is to bridge gaps between the yoga and mindfulness fields, with content being delivered by experts including Alison Yiangou and Ruth Baer from the OMF team.  To find out more about the conference see here or follow this link (in Chinese) .

在2022年即将结束之际,我们很高兴地宣布牛津正念基金会在中国的最新合作。龙象文化集团 (VEDA) 通过旗下的艾扬格瑜伽学院,过去一直通过广州、杭州和北京的三个分院提供授权的艾扬格瑜伽师资培训,同时也通过在线瑜伽视频平台YogaMala.cn提供更多的线上学习资源,现在正与牛津大学正念基金会(OMF)合作,将正念引入他们的瑜伽群体。





这次会议的目的之一是弥合瑜伽和正念领域之间的差距,内容由来自OMF团队的Alison Yiangou和Ruth Baer等专家提供。如欲了解更多有关会议,请关注以下链接: