Consultation on NICE Guideline on Depression in Adults
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has decided to run a second consultation on its depression in adults guideline. The consultation opened on 15th May 2018 and comments will be accepted until 5pm on Tuesday 12th June 2018.
Since 2004, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended that MBCT should be offered to every adult with a history of recurrent depression who is currently well in order to reduce their risk of relapse. The updated version of the NICE guideline for depression in adults is due to be published soon but, before publishing, NICE has decided to run a second consultation. The consultation opened on 15th May 2018 and comments will be accepted until 5pm on Tuesday 12th June 2018.
This exceptional consultation will allow stakeholders to see how their previous comments have been dealt with and to provide additional comments prior to final publication of the guideline. Consultation documents include revised versions of the guideline along with comments received in the initial consultation and NICE’s responses.
The guideline includes revised recommendations on the provision of MBCT for depression and we encourage you to exercise your right to participate in the consultation. You can register as a stakeholder and add your comments on the NICE web site.
Dr Clara Strauss of the University of Sussex has coordinated the response below on behalf of the Universities of Exeter, Oxford, Sussex and Bangor.
NICE draft depression guideline v2 – UK Mindfulness Centres response