Introducing our new partnership with KCFM

Introducing our new partnership with KCFM

The OMF is excited to announce a new partnership with the Korean Centre for Mindfulness (KCFM). Below is a note from the KCFM’s founder and director Dr Heyoung Ahn:

I first discovered mindfulness as a high school student. Throughout my life, I have tried various meditative traditions, all leading me to conclude that meditation is about being awakened from autopilot (our usual state of mind).

Whilst studying for my PhD in Adult Learning in New York, I discovered Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR). I made the most of my time in the US, training under various prestigious mindfulness teachers.

I was impressed by Western teachers like Jon Kabat-Zinn who teach mindfulness meditation in a systematic and common-sensical way.

I believe that mindful awareness is the essence of meditation and that it can be a very powerful and transformative tool. That MBSR / MBCT are easily accessible ways of introducing mindful awareness; I’m very grateful to have been introduced to these practices, and, in turn, to have been able to introduce them to South Korea.

My aim in founding KCFM was to support those committed to changing their lives for the better, believing that mindfulness is one of the best ways to step out of autopilot and become kinder and more authentic human beings.

Learning to be mindfully aware is the best education I know, for both personal and social transformation.

KCFM has already seen success; I enjoy seeing students learning and flourishing as they are introduced to mindfulness. But most of all, I appreciate the lessons my students teach me.

It is right in the presence of participants that I as a person, or as a teacher, feel most kind, balanced, and authentic.

Heyoung has apprenticed with the OMF as a trainer and now the OMF will be collaborating with the KCFM to offer MBCT teacher training in Korean from September 2022. For more information on KCFM and the programmes offered, please visit their website here: