Weekly Update – 21st October 2023

Weekly Update – 21st October 2023

Welcome to this week’s update: a summary of everything we’ve shared on social media throughout the week.


There’s still time to book your place at our Autumn Gathering.

Due to increased interest from those who haven’t yet trained with OMF, but would like to connect, we have opened up the invitation to all who have completed an 8-week mindfulness course and are interested in training with us.

We will be providing field and research updates and there’ll be space for practice, reflection and socialising with trainees, teachers, and trainers.

The booking deadline is Monday 23rd October, 2023.


We continue to offer two free daily online mindfulness sessions (Monday to Friday each week) 1:00 – 1:30pm and 7:00 – 7:30pm (UK Time). The practice sessions are for anyone new to mindfulness and for those who would like to connect with others to maintain their practice.

We are in the process of developing a page on our website for you to view the weekly schedule of teachers leading the sessions and will let you know as soon as that’s available to view.

In the meantime, if you have already signed up to the sessions, there is no need to register again, we use the same Zoom link for each one. Please check your spam folder if you have recently registered and not received the link.

Please reuse the Zoom link given to you on your first registration for each session.

If you would like to register, tap the link below.


“How training to teach mindfulness with the OMF changed my life’s trajectory in the most unexpected way.”

Dorota Stuker is a mother, psychologist and mindfulness teacher. During her 12-month teacher training in MBCT-L with the OMF, Dorota was so inspired by the topics discussed that she decided to bring mindfulness closer to children by writing mindfulness books which would help them to manage their emotions.

In this blog, Dorota shares how the teacher training helped to change her life and shape her future as a children’s book author.


We are excited to share that our next social evening will be on Friday 24th November 2023 with Alice Tribedi (Benson), a published performance poet and award-winning stand-up comedian and cabaret artist.

Alice writes and blogs for various mental health charities including Mind, Sane, OCD-UK. She writes about her mental health in her poems and how mindfulness helps her to manage a severe anxiety condition and an eating disorder. She was recently asked to write a blog for Mind, the mental health charity, called How to be happy with mental health problems where she talks about how mindfulness helps her.

Due to the Autumn Gathering, we won’t be running a social evening in October but do hope you’ll join us in November.

We will share more information and the booking link soon.


Would you like to train to teach mindfulness? Our 12-month programme delivers teacher training of the highest quality, that is trustworthy and safe. It benchmarks with the international Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Training Pathway. On completion, you will be able to teach a range of curricula from 3-week introductory to 8-week courses, suited to your particular context and background.

Join our online Information Session tomorrow, Sunday 22nd October, 2023 (10:00-11:00 BST) and receive an overview of our training programmes including entry criteria, progression routes, training content and assessment plus a Q&A.