
AB to edit The Oxford Mindfulness Foundation is a not for profit charity, with the objectives of delivering the OMC’s mission. This includes a commitment to sustainability, maximising impact and widening access. All revenue is used to serve the Trust's charitable aims and we continue to explore models to maximise accessibility.

Whilst day-to-day and operational management is delegated to our Director, our Board of Trustees act as guardian of the mission and is responsible for providing the infrastructure and support for the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation. This includes:

  • raising funding
  • overall performance
  • our values, integrity and reputation
  • how we meet our statutory objectives and use our legal powers
  • our business direction and strategy
  • our management team’s performance, governance standards and delivery against plans

The Trustees provide general and specialist skills working with the Director, Operational Manager and key staff as appropriate. They donate their time freely.

The Director and Operational Manager manage the OMC day-to-day with the support of the Trustees. Each major area of activity has a Lead who has responsibility for that area of work. S/he provides leadership and management of the respective area of work and is responsible for ensuring their area of responsibility contributes to the OMC’s mission, is impactful, builds on and builds our unique strengths and is sustainable.  S/he works with Trustees with specialist expertise and interest in that area and a team.